• authorsart@gmail.com
How to Battle Anxiety

How to Battle Anxiety

Are you constantly anxious?  Fearful?  Full of worry?   I know that I am sometimes.  During these times of worry, I sometimes cannot find any peace from my thoughts.  Those are the days when I realize that I need God more than ever. 

It is possible to find rest in Him.  To cast your cares upon Him and let Him shoulder them for you.  The God of all creation can surely handle whatever problem is plaguing you.  

It is often difficult for us to find rest in Him, though, because we tend to hold on to our worldly worries and problems and think that we have to solve them ourselves. This is not true.  The truth often seems to be hidden from us behind a veil of self-purpose – but the real truth is that we should always rest in HIm.  That we should place every burden (and joy!) at His feet and pray for guidance and help.  

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” –Matthew 11 28-30

In doing that, we will find the rest we so desperately crave. 

Because of Jesus’s sacrifice for us, we can rest in Him daily, hourly, even minute by minute.  We are SAVED.  We are FREE.  No longer do we need to have the burdens of worry weighing us down.  

If you are having trouble resting from your worry, just take a look around you and see all of the blessings that abound in your life.  Also, think about last week or last month… how many times were your payers answered and your worries solved by Him?